Stalingrad - Antony Beevor

the fateful siege: 1942-1943


On August 23,1942, Hitler's 16th Panze Division halted on the banks of the Volga. To their right, the city of Stalingrad blazed from the first of General von Richthofen's air raids, which ultimately killed 40.000 civilians. Many German soldiers thought the war against Russia was won. But in Stalin's namesake city on the Volga, Hitler had chosen the wrong target. The battle of Stalingrad would be the most pitiless, and perhaps the most important, battle in history. When the fighting was over, the world would begin to believe for the first time that Hitler could be defeated.
The story of Stalingrad is exrtaordinary in every way. Hitler had told General Paulus that with his Sixth Army, the most powerful in the Wehrmacht, he could "storm the heavens." But then, in a sudden encirclement, over a quarter of a million of Paulus's men were trapped. Far from home, the attackers were subjected to a terrible siege in a criel Russian winter as Goering's boasts that the Luftwaffe could maintain supplies proved empty. Hitler...
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