Selection from the Less Known Latin Poets. - NORTH PINDER, M.A.,


'These Selections have been compiled with the object of familiarizing younger students with some of the best portions of those Latin poets whose entire works are in most cases not likely, in a few are not worthy, to be read by ordinary scholars. It can hardly be thought desirable that even a school-boy's knowledge of Roman poetry should be confied to that of a single period, the Augustan, still less to the study of only two authors of that period, although they be as eminent as Virgil and Horace. (...) The Notes will, it is hoped, be found as few in number and concise in matter as is compatible with their aim of affording to young students that amount of interpretation and assistance which previous works of the kind have but imperfectly supplied. (...) In each extract, every word of every line has been carefully gone through; and no serious difficulty of meaning, construction, usage, or allusion, no peculiarity of metre or rhythm, that seemed at all worthy of notice and illustration, has consciously been pass...
1869zie alle details...



1869Uitgever: Clarendon Press