Roman Imperial Statue Bases from Augustus to Commodus. - HØJTE, J.M.,

From Augustus to Commodus (Aarhus Studies in Mediterranean Antiquity)


?H. has collected all the known bases down to the end of the second century A.D., and produced an extensive catalogue, comprising 2,300 monuments form nearly 800 sites (225-685). Single bases are often of relatively little value for the art historian. But a large corpus like this, statistically analyses, can yield vital information for understanding the role of the imperial portrait in ancient life. (?) H. has undertaken a bold inter-disciplinary study that enlists a rich and largely untapped source of evidence, and a useful database (?). Specialists in Roman portraiture and professional epigraphers will doubtless find fault with one aspect or another of H.?s project. But in an age of increasing specialization he is to be commended for having undertaken it at all. For the field to continue to advance, more such studies are needed.? (C.H. HALLETT in The Journal of Roman Studies, 2007, pp.342-343).
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2005Uitgever: Aarhus University Press658 paginasISBN-10: 8779341462ISBN-13: 9788779341463