Promethie und Orestie. Attischer Geist in der attischen Tragödie. - GROSSMANN, G.,


'The purpose of Grossmann's Habilitationsschrift, now published in a revised form, is to reconcile the theology of the 'Proemtheia' with that found in the other works of Aeschylus. Briefly dismissing those scholars who explain the tyrannical bahaviour of Zues as due to reasons of state, he divides the rest into three parties (p.10). Some argue that since Zeus cannot be at fault, Prometheus must be; others regard Zeus as a tyrant and Prometheus as the champion of liberty; a third group holds that somehow both are in the right. The truth, Grossmann says, lies beyond all three views; Zeus is at first in the wrong, but later comes to share the love of humanity felt by his great adversary. (...) Grossmann seems to take it for granted that after his reconciliation with Prometheus Zes became a 'lover of humanity' of the same kind as Prometheus himself. (...) Grossmann's view that Zeus changed his original attitude, and that the theology of the 'Prometheia' was essentially the same as that of the 'Oresteia', is no do...
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1970Uitgever: Carl Winter