Nieuwe verhalen die Hitchcock Koos - Daphne du Maurier, Donald Honig, Thomas Walsh, Carter Dickson, C.B. Gilford, Paul Eiden, Jack Finney, Robert Arthur, F. Tennyson Jesse, Guy Cullingford, Thomas Burke


Oorspronkelijke titel: Alfred Hitchcock: My Favorites in Suspense (1959).
Daphne du Maurier - DE VOGELS (The Birds, 1959)
Donald Honig - WAAROM DOET U DAT? (Man with a Problem)
Thomas Walsh - DOODVONNIS (Sentence of Death)
Carter Dickson - DE WREKER (New Murders for Old)
C.B. Gilford - ANGST (Terrified)
Paul Eiden - LOUTER TOEVAL (Tii Many Coincidences)
Jack Finney - VERMIST (Of Mising Persons, 1956)
Robert Arthur - WAT DOEN WE MET GEORGE? (Getting Rid of George)
F. Tennyson Jesse - DE SCHAT (Treasure Trove)
Guy Cullingford - MY UNFAIR LADY (My Unfair Lady)
Thomas Burke - DE STOMME VROUW (The Dumb Wife)
1961Taal: Nederlandszie alle details...