Lighting for Nude Photography - Rod Ashford


Arguably more than with any other subject, photographing the human body presents us with both the greatest variety and the greatest challenge. Images of the nude can exact a whole range of emotions from both male and female viewers, with the power to excite or threaten, stimulate or offend. Principally aimed at anyone who takes their photography seriously, lighting for nude photography explains through illustration and text exactly how sophisticated lighting effects have been created by some of the world's leading exponents of the genre. The images have been selected to demonstrate both classic and contemporary photographic lighting styles, and in most cases the author has discussed the shots with the photographers concerned who have agreed to divulge every detail about how their images have been achieved. This book is a unique reference for anyone interested in photographic lighting.
2002Taal: Engelszie alle details...

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2002Uitgever: Rockport Publishers160 paginasTaal: EngelsISBN-10: 2880465710ISBN-13: 9782880465711