LA BIBLIOTHEQUE DES PRÉDICATEURS, qui contient les principaux sujets de la morale chrétienne, Mis par ordre alphabétique. Par le R. Pere Vincent Houdry, de la Compagnie de Jésus, seconde édition. Revue, corrigée, & augmentée par l'Autheur (Vol 1-6 & 8; incomplet du 7ieme tome) - HOUDRY Vincent s.j.


Reliure veau époque, dos a nerfs. Tome premier, 1715; Tome second, 1715; Tome troisieme, 1715; Tome quatrieme, 1715; Tome cinquieme, 1715; Tome sixieme, 1716; Tome huitieme, 1716. Vincent HOUDRY, °Tours, 22/1/1631 +Paris, 22/3/1729. On 10 October, 1647, he entered the Society of Jesus in Paris and after the novitiate followed the regular course of studies (three years philosophy and four years theology). For a considerable while he was engaged in teaching: classics, six years; rhetoric, one year; philosophy, four years. After this he became a celebrated pulpit orator, preaching for the next twenty-five years in the more important cities of France. During the remainder of his life he was principally occupied in writing sermons. His obituary in the archives of the Society, besides his talent as an orator, praises his never-tiring industry, both as a speaker and a writer. Among his virtues, his faithful observance of the rules, even to the ninety-ninth year of his life, is especially mentioned. (sources: SCHEID ...
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