In Our Own Image - David Galton

eugenics and the genetic modification of people 0-6 Months


(From the book cover:)
In the continuing excitement over the progress of the Human Genome Project and the fast-changing technologies that are developing from it, one word has been conspicious by its absence: 'eugenics'.
Since the horrendous experiments of Nazi Germany and the abuses of other dictators, before and after, eugenics has acquired a sinister reputation. Yet now, at the beginning of the twenty-first century, eugenics should again be recognised for what it is: the use of science for the improvement of our genetic constitution.
The subject was first debated by the Ancient Greek, and was then developedin the late nineteenth century by a scientist called Francis Galton, with considerable support from his cousin Charles Darwin. Its scope has, however, increased enormously since the recent revolution in molecular genetics. Genetic databases can now be easily obtained for individuals either before or at birth, and are being constructed for entire populations; and genetic markers are being developed to see if ...
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