Homer's Iliad: its Composition and the Motif of Supplication. - THORNTON, Agathe,


'Thorton's book is a dense 'galère' of ideas and insights, variable in qulity and importance, occasionally rather obvious, occasionally weakly argued, but generally stimulating and at times very perceptive. (...) In Part III T. follows the theme of supplication through the 'Iliad' and relates it to Phoinix' famous plea to Achilles in Book 9, especially the much-disputed 'Litai' passage. T. translates "Litai' as goddesses of supplication', and beginning from there ties the passage in with the other great supplication scenes in the 'Iliad', which read their climax in Priam's supplication of Achilles in Book 24. This part (...) makes rewarding reading and is the most stimulating part of a worthwhile, if somewhat varied, contribution to Iliadic studies.' (PETER V. JONES in The Classical Review (New Series), 1986, pp.4-6).
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1984Uitgever: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht