Einführung ins Vulgärlatein. Herausgegeben und bearbeitet von H. Schmeck. - VOSSLER, K.,


'The main chapters of the work deal with the spread of Latin, the sources of our knowledge of vulgar Latin, phonology, morphology, word-formation, and Germanic influences. There are two very short chapters on topics of special interest to classical scholars, viz. 'Innere Geschichte des Lateins und besonders des Vulgärlateins' (pp.48-54), and 'Vulgärlatinische Syntax' (pp.181-9). (...) Vossler's lectures were not intended to be an exhaustive survey of the field, but rather to give his students a preliminary bird's eye view of the territory (...). When Vossler speaks of vulgar latin, it is clear that he is thinking in the main of the spoken Latin of the late empire and afterwards, as reconstructed from all sources, including the Romance languages. (...) Vossler's book is a highly individual and stimulating introduction to its subject.' (ROBERT BROWNING in The Classical Review (New Series), 1956, pp.252-54). From the library of Professor Carl Deroux.
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1954Uitgever: Max Hueber Verlag