Die Geburt des Kindes. Geschichte einer religiösen Idee. - NORDEN, E.,


?We find sound exegesis of the text, deep appreciation of the poem as such, and much interesting illustrative material ingeniously handled, in this admirable little book; and therefore the fact that many may, certainly the present reviewer does, find much to disagree with in the interpretations suggested, is of minor importance. (?) His general interpretation is this. No particular child, born or to be born of any actual contemporary is meant. The poem is, though not in the sense in which it was long believed to be, a Messianic prophecy. (?) The child will be a sun-child, spirit -conceived, of divine parentage, born to rule the universe. He will be inspired with divine life (?), will meet gods and heroes face to face, and will be received by them as one of themselves. (?) Once his rule is established the Golden Age will come and abide. The poem ends with the prayer that the child will come quickly, at full time, and testify his divinity by smiling, like Zoroaster, in the first moments of his life.' (H.J. ROSE...
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