Building a career that works - Diane Smets

making career decisions that help you be succesful and totally fulfilled

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* Do you have a feeling of not being in control in your job?
* Are you bored with your current professional activities?
* Have you been struggling to get ahead in your career?
* Do you feel dissatisfied with the value you can add in your professional occupation?
* Have you got a feeling of being like a fish out of water amongst your colleagues?
* Do you come home at night feeling completely drained from your day's work?
* Are you thinking regularly that your talents are not put to the best use or not put to use at all?
* Do you feel like you are making too little progress?
* Do you feel overwhelmed by the speed of everything?
* Do you experience that things are too easy, not challenging enough, not satisfying enough?
* Are you unsure of the career decisions you have taken?
* Do you feel like you are not doing what you are meant to be doing with your life?
* Do you feel like the team that you are leading is not functioning optimally?
* Do you think your organization could add more value than it is currently doing?

If you ha...
2013Taal: Engelszie alle details...
Originele nieuwprijs: € 24.95



2013Uitgever: Witsand232 paginasTaal: EngelsISBN-10: 9490382787ISBN-13: 9789490382780