De oorsprong der geometrische kunst. - ROES, Anna,


'This monograph is an attempt to trace the origin of the Geometric art of Greece during the Early Iron Age. In her first chapter the author gives a comprehensive sketch of previous theories. (...) The author then proceeds to point out the close parallels between Mycenaean and Geometric vase-shapes. At the beginning of her second chapter she lays down an admirable principle for the comparative analysis of Geometric ornaments. (...) With this canon to guide her the author proceeds to compare some the more peculiar motives on the vases or bronzes of the Greek, Italian, and Hallstatt cultures during the Early Iron Age (...). In her third chapter Dr. Roes points out similarities between the Geometric figurines of Boeotia and Argos on the one hand, and those of Syria and Elam on the other. (...) I believe that what the author has really done is to prove the 'evolutionist' theory of Greek Geometric, since she has provided a satisfactory origin for those peculiar designs which have proved a stumbling-block to the 'ev...
1931zie alle details...



1931Uitgever: Tjeenk Willink