BLIND DATE, The Bold and The Beautiful in Flemish Portraits - Katharina Van Cauteren, Nils Büttner, Matthias Ubl, Hildegard Van de Velde. Scenography by Walter Van Beirendonck

Portraits from the Phoebus Foundation


BOEKFICHE The Bold and the Beautiful - In Flemish Portraits

Men in stately black, women with huge ruffs, children with golden rattles, old women with wizened faces, and self-satisfied artists… These are the main players in just about every portrait ever painted in the Southern Netherlands. From the fifteenth to the seventeenth centuries, the tract of land that we today call Flanders was the economic, cultural, intellectual and financial heart of Europe. And money flows – with everyone who could afford it investing in a portrait.

Today, these cherished status symbols of the past have largely lost their original significance. But beyond their functional and emotional aspects, these portraits turn their subjects into gateways to the past. This book takes masterpieces from the collection of The Phoebus Foundation and outlines the broad context in which they came into being, peeling back levels of meaning like the layers of an onion. Whether captured in an impressive Rubens or Van Dyck, or an intimate portrait by a ...
2020Taal: Engelszie alle details...



2020Uitgever: Kannibaal288 paginasTaal: EngelsISBN-10: 9463887407ISBN-13: 9789463887403