Black Ladies - Uwe Ommer


It is no coincidence that, once again, it is a man from the North, a German, Uwe Ommer, who discovers and reveals African beauty, black splendor. German women, journalists and filmmakers had already done it, like Gisela Bonn.
If I sang, as we will have read here, about the black woman, it is essentially for her plastic beauty, her form - I use the singular - and, beyond that, for her poetry in the etymological sense of the word. : for the creative inspiration that it generates in us, body and heart. I say heart and soul.

As we know, the Greeks, founders of the Albo-European civilization, under the aegis of which the “Civilization of the Universal” is being built today, borrowed a lot, in their time, from the civilization of this Egypt. of which Herodotus, the father of History, said that the inhabitants had “black skin and frizzy hair”. I think of the black gods who were, for them, Dionysus, the god of lyrical life, and Circe, the Magician, the Enchantress. Moreover, in prehistoric times, and even after, black ...
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