Beobachtungen zu Aristophanes. - FRAENKEL, E.,


'The greater part of this book comprises discussion of some fifty passages of Aristophanes, among which 'Birds' is especially prominent. Fraenkel consistently bases his interpretation on simple, patient observation of linguistic facts (...) and he pays particular attention to word-order (...) and to formulae of recognized associations (...), He is nevertheless unusual among Aristophanic critics of modern times in that he recognizes both the most intimate possible knowledge of grammar and of the history of the text are indispensable for complete dramatic visualization and also that knowledge of this kind is no more than a step in our progress towards such visualization (...). The last essay in the book, on lyrics in the parabases, draws our attention to traditional religious elements and to divergences from tradition.' (K.J. DOVER in The Classical Review (New Series), 1963, pp.272-74).
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1962Uitgever: Edizioni di storia e letteratura