Animadversiones ad Plutarchi libellum 'Peri euthymias'. - BROECKER, H.,


?It is likely that Plutarch?s ?De tranquilitate animi? owes something to Panaetius? ?peri euthumias?. But I find it hard to imagine how, from our available material, it could be shown, as Dr. Broecker (following Siefert) thinks, that almost the whole of its substance came from that source; certainly his argument appear to me far from cogent, and I must join the camp of those he calls ?nimbus criticos?. The more permanent value of the dissertation lies in the collection of parallel passages in other moralists and verbal parallels in Plutarch himself, together with some observation on vocabulary. (?) Wise users of dissertations will test the proffered gifts.? (F.H. SANDBACH in The Classical Review (New Series), 1956, pp.71-72).
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1954Uitgever: Rudolf Habelt