ACTA CLASSICA, Verhandelinge van die Klassieke Vereniging van Suid-Afrika - Proceedings of the Classical Association of South Africa, Volume XXXI. - 


A.o.: B.X. de WET: Plutarch's use of the poets (pp.13-27); A. DIHLE: Semantische und syntaktische Probleme der Sprache Solons (pp.27-37); B. BALDWIN: Editing Petronius: Methods and Examples (pp.37-51); G. MADER: Fluctibus variis agor: an aspect of Seneca's Clytemnestra portrait (pp.51-71); P.M.W. TENNANT: The Lupercalia and the Romulus and Remus legend (pp.81-95). From the library of the late Prof. W. Geoffrey Arnott.
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