Phonebook - Carter Smith


When people ask how did Phonebook came into being, CB Smith's answer is simple: "I never set out to make a photo book about my own mad exploits shot entirely with a cell phone. It wasn't really until I started reading back the text messages and looking at the pictures that I realized there might be a book here.What's a cell phone anyway these days?

In my opinion, it's a personal device designed to capture and communicate, to preserve things that just happen, and in my case, that inevitably leads to sex, drugs, rock and roll, architecture, and flowers...
Anywhere, Anytime, Anything. No filter. No stopping to think. Each image and text its own mini-drama.

To put Phonebook in context, it all began after a calamitous breakup, when my life was thrown into a fragmented mess.This leads to the proverbial "lost weekend"... A two-year descent into debauchery and adventure.I know Phonebook might not be for everyone, but this was my life, take it or leave it."
2011Taal: Engelszie alle details...



2011Uitgever: Drago Arts & Communication184 paginasTaal: EngelsISBN-10: 8888493751ISBN-13: 9788888493756